The lovely Vikki over at The View Outside has awarded me the Blog of the Year Award 2012. (Check out the Blog Of The Year for more information.) You can collect six gold stars with this award, each time you are nominated. Thanks so much for my first nomination, Vikki 🙂 I love a gold star.

Blog of the Year Award 1 star jpeg

Here are the ‘rules’ for this award:

1 Select the blog(s) you think deserve the ‘Blog of the Year 2012′ Award

2 Write a blog post and tell us about the blog(s) you have chosen — there’s no minimum or maximum number of blogs required — and ‘present’ them with their award.

3 Please include a link back to this page ‘Blog of the Year 2012′ Award — and include these ‘rules’ in your post (please don’t alter the rules or the badges!)

4 Let the blog(s) you have chosen know that you have given them this award and share the ‘rules’ with them.

5 You can now also join the Facebook group — click ‘like’ on the page above ‘Blog of the Year 2012′ Award Facebook group and then you can share your blog with an even wider audience.

6 As a winner of the award — please add a link back to the blog that presented you with the award — and then proudly display the award on your blog and sidebar … and start collecting stars…

So, who else fancies collecting some stars?

For the Blog of the Year 2012, I am nominating the following 4 blogs:

The View Outside I have to nominate Vikki right back because her blog is the one I look forward to reading most of all. Always interesting and honest, Vikki is an inspiration in both writing and blogging.

Off The Shelf Book Promotions Debbie Young’s blog is a fantastic resource for all things book promotion and marketing. I’ve learned so much from her – check out her personal blog too (link on site).

Lynsey James is a up-and-coming writer sharing her journey and excerpts from her work in progress, and I really look forward to her posts too.

Last but not least is Finding Time To Write, the excellent blog by Marina Sofia. Marina shares her thoughts on writing and her beautiful poetry. A very talented and supportive blogger.

I now graciously accept my award, exit the stage (not a dry eye in the house) and promptly trip over my feet and fall flat on my face 🙂