Yes, that’s me! Jim Wright, over at olbigjim very kindly nominated me for this prestigious award – thanks so much Jim! Jim is a wonderfully supportive author and blogger, always retweeting and sharing useful information, and his first novel, New Yesterdays (I just love that title!) was released last year.


So, what do I have to do now that I’ve been nominated? Here are the VIBA rules:

  • Display the award logo on your blog
  • Link back to the person who nominated you
  • State 7 things about yourself
  • Nominate 15 bloggers for this award and link to them
  • Notify those bloggers of the nomination and the award’s requirements.

Oh, easy-peasy. The first two are done, so now for seven things about me … OK, here are some facts you may or may not know:

  1. When I turned 30 I gave up a well-paid and very enjoyable job to go work as an air hostess with Easyjet.
  2. I lasted only 6 weeks with Easyjet – and 4 of those weeks were training!
  3. I REALLY don’t like the colour orange.
  4. When I got married in 2006, my husband chose ‘burnt orange’ as the colour for his waistcoat. And wore orange socks.
  5. I said nothing (because I love him) – he only found out about my orange-phobia a few months ago.
  6. I once shaved all my hair off, just on a whim.
  7. My brand new linen cabinet in my newly decorated office was supposed to be red, but it is actually a kind of reddy-orange. But I still like it 🙂
Me on a Milton Keynes roof (don't ask) with very little hair!
Me on a Milton Keynes roof (don’t ask) with very little hair!

There you go! Fascinating stuff, huh? Right, now for the 15 blogs I’d like to nominate for the award:

Estelle Wilkinson
Rebecca Bradley
Pete Denton
M. Louise Locke
Fiona Chapman
Be Not Afeard
Nikki Goodman
Paula Acton
Megan at Reading in the Sunshine
Lynsey James
Debbie Young
Nicky Wells
Karen Inglis
Emily Anne Shaffer
Vikki at The View Outside

Each of these blogs may well already have the award! But if not, you deserve it. Thanks again, Jim x